The study found that a significant portion of the respondents (76.3%) assumed “Upazila Administration” could transform the existing scenario of national health system through proper coordination of health sector. Such problems are compounded by high rates of fertility, high density of population, unsanitary living conditions, limited access to safe water, frequent natural disasters and low levels of access to health care. A significant portion of the population of the country remaining below the poverty line is suffering from high prevalence of diseases and health hazards. Even though recent statistics showed an increase in life expectancy and a change in patterns of morbidity, poor health remains one of the major problems of the country. Bangladesh has a poor record in terms of health indicators. National commitment to provide at least minimum health care for all has been reflected in the country’s successive five year plans. Addeddate 03:09:37 Identifier face2face2deditionpreintermeadiesbIdentifier-ark ark:/13960/t6647q508 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11. The global policy of ‘Health for All’ has been accepted in Bangladesh as a national goal. This study attempted to examine the process of decentralization of rural health services and actual outcome or performance with the help of a common analytical framework. Following an assessment of problems and challenges, a set of recommendations is directed toward the development of pro-poor, community-based heritage tourism with the aim of informing integrated planning for the community and for heritage and tourism resources in the future. VDOMDHTMLtml> face2face Adult & Young Adult Cambridge University Press face2face face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence. The paradoxes and potential of economic, tourism, and community development in Agra echo those of other developing localities which host WHSs around the world. Several factors were found to be systemic problems, but some recent schemes are worth supporting and expanding. The Agra case reveals a set of developmental paradoxes, whereby the restructuring of the tourist industry induced by the designation of WHSs does not lead to proportionate advances in local community development. We analyze the weaknesses of the institutions and agencies responsible for Agra's inability to convert the development potential created by its three WHSs into significant economic, community and infrastructure improvements. We investigate two interrelated themes: the role of planning in developing the tourism potential of the Taj Mahal and other WHSs in Agra, and the impact of the WHS framework on the development of the city.
The Student’s Books come with a free CD-ROM/Audio CD offering extra practice activities, video, recording capability, customisable tests and more.This study examines the relationship between World Heritage Sites (WHSs) and local community development in Agra, India. Each level provides approximately 80 hours of core teaching material, which can be extended to 120 hours using the photocopiable resource material and extra ideas in the Teacher’s Book (60 hours extendable to 90 for the Starter level). Each self-contained lesson is easily teachable off the page. Mapping is available online, as well as in the relevant Teacher’s Book. Using engaging topics, additional teacher support materials, and a focus on speaking and listening, face2face will get your students talking Vocabulary and grammar are given equal importance and there is. face2face is fully compatible with the CEF and gives students regular opportunities to evaluate their progress. face2face is the flexible, easy-to-teach course for busy teachers who want to get their learners to communicate quickly and with confidence. Based on the communicative approach, and drawing on the best of current thinking and practice, face2face prepares students for real world communication. Convert documents to beautiful publications and share them. The Cambridge University Press Face2Face textbook has already passed 2th editions in 2012. Students are given numerous opportunities to practise new language through a variety of communicative activities, many of which are personalised. Publishing platform for digital magazines, interactive publications and online catalogs. Vocabulary and grammar are of equal importance and there is a strong focus on listening and speaking for social situations. Based on the communicative approach, face2face prepares learners for life in English. When somebody should go to the books stores, search commencement by shop, shelf by shelf.